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Kobi Hecht

Physicist and Technology Entrepreneur

Yoach Bar-David

Physicist, Involved in


Eran Aharonson

Head of Project Department at Afeka College

Dr. Tammie Tal

Leading Chemist at

Rotal Group


Our volunteers are senior members of the scientific community and the technological industry in Israel. They are passionate about inspiring children. They meet children in their classes, introducing them the interesting-fun science aspects they know best. They try to lessen the fear of science and change misconceptions such as "science is for geeks" showing science is for everyone! Our volunteers help develop scientific materials that are accessible and child-friendly always keeping a high quality and professionalism standard. 

Dr. Omer Choresh


Dr. Clara Shikhelman

PhD in Mathematics,

Tel Aviv University


Prof. Dan Shechtman

Nobel Laureate

Prof. Aaron Ciechanover

Nobel Laureate

Prof. Abraham Hershko

Nobel Laureate

Prof. Roger D Kornberg

Nobel Laureate

Prof. Arieh Warshel

Nobel Laureate

Prof. Michael Levitt

Nobel Laureate

Prof. Nili Cohen


Ami Steiner



Prof. Amnon Rubinstein

Professor of Law and member of the senior staff of Radzyner School of Law

Michel Siboni

Chief Executive Officer of Harel Insurance

Amos Nadai

Ambassador (Ret.)

Elyashiv Maller

Senior VP at Sightec

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